Concept of Trademark Registration
Trademark registration is a process of giving a product or service a unique identity which distinguishes it from other products or services. A registered Trademark becomes the Intellectual Property of the individual or business and such trademarked product or service cannot be used by anyone else other than the person holding the trademark.
What all can be registered as a trademark?
There are various things that can be trademarked and few of them are as follows:

Follow these 6 simple steps to get your Trademark registered through TaxHelpdesk

Once you have placed your service request for Trademark Registration, our experts at TaxHelpdesk will intimate you about your order within 24 working hours. Simultaneously, even you can also check the status of your order by logging onto your account.
Trademark Classes/Classification
In India, the NICE Classification for trademark classes is followed. This classification is an international classification of goods or services for the purposes of registering a trademark. In total, there are 45 classes of trademarks. Class 1-34 belongs to the goods and 35-45 belongs to the services. Some of the popular Trademark Classes are as follows:
– Class 9: Trademarks for computer software and electronics
– Class 25: Trademarks for clothing
– Class 35: Trademarks for business management and advertising
– Class 41: Trademarks for education and entertainment
Who can apply for Trademark Registration in India?

List of Documents:
– Applicant details
– Identity proofs of the applicant
– Type of business
– Details of the goods or services to be trademarked
– Form 48
– Identity proof of business
– Power of Attorney signed by the applicant
Step by step procedure

Benefits of getting Trademark Registration
– It differentiates the goods or services from other goods or services
– Provides legal protection
– Becomes an Intellectual Property for the individual or business
– Builds brand value
– Helps in business expansion
– Creates more trust in the general public
A registered trademark is valid for the period of ten years. It may be further renewed for an extended period of ten years on the payment of renewal fees.
A trademark registered in India is valid only in India. This is so because every country has its own rules and regulations for the purposes of trademark registration. However, one can register the trademark in foreign countries through Madrid Protocol, and the trademark registration in India serves as the basic mark for the international trademark registration.
If the trademark application is similar to an existing application, or hurts religious sentiments, contains geographical names, or common words, then it is most likely to be rejected.
No, the whole trademark registration process is online. You can upload the scanned copy of all the required documents in your TaxHelpdesk account and your Trademark Registration process will be started.
Trademark registration take up to 6 months to 2 years time to get full approval from the Department.
Trademark symbol ‘TM’ is a provisional symbol, used for unregistered Trademarks. It acts as a warning symbol for potential infringers that the application, to claim the trademark, is under process. On the other hand, the trademark symbol ‘R’ signifies the registered trademark. The ® mark can be used; once the application gets approved by the government.
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